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Register here to receive an email once a month with information about upcoming events and programs. You can also sign up to receive mini eNews blasts on the following topics:
- Snapshots - a bimonthly enewsletter with updates from Youth Services
- Connections - a bimonthly enewsletter for all things job-related
- Modern Central Library - receive updates about the Burbank Civic Center Project and a new Central Library
- Friends of the Library - a quarterly newsletter from the Friends of the Burbank Public Library
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Don't miss our daily posts on Instagram and Facebook. Get recommendations from staff on books, movies, music, and more from the Library's collection. Learn about all the resources and services that come with your Burbank Public Library card. Get behind-the-scenes looks at upcoming programs and events.
Missed an event at the Library? It might be on our YouTube channel. Over a dozen author visits can be found in the Author Talks playlist. From "Curb Your Recycling" to "Antiracism in Action," several workshops and panel discussions have been recorded. Our librarians have created simple tutorials including "How to Place a Hold" and "HelpNow." These will help get you started using our online research tools and databases. Our children's librarians provide many ways to talk, sing, read, write, and play together at home with Bilingual Mini Story Times and many more interactive videos for kids.