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Libby is the app from OverDrive to use for downloading free eBooks, eMagazines, and eAudiobooks. You can download the app and get started.

Britannica School

Britannica School is the go-to site for learning more about any subject—for all grades and all reading abilities—offering thousands of up-to-date, curated, and curriculum-relevant articles, images, videos, audio clips, primary sources, maps, research tools, recommended Web sites, and three separa

Britannica Escolar

Britannica Escolar is the leading knowledge-building resource that is universally trusted for accurate and age-appropriate content in Spanish.


hoopla is a digital streaming service for library users to access eBooks, eAudiobooks, music, movies, and TV shows using portable devices like smartphones and tablets.

Tax Preparation Services - A Friends of the Library Fundraiser

Each year the Friends of the Library provide tax return preparation help.

Before scheduling an appointment:
Fill in the Tax Organizer Forms available on our website or pick up a paper copy at any Burbank Public Library location available mid-January.

Our Library Stories

During the month of February, 2022, we asked you to tell us why you Love the Library. Here are your WONDERFUL responses. Thank you.

Archives Unbound

Online access to primary source materials covering topics that include U.S. foreign policy; U.S. civil rights; global affairs and colonial studies; and modern history. 

DMV Practice Driving Tests

Driving-Tests provides unlimited access to official state driver's manuals, online practice tests for car, motorcycle and commercial driver's license (CDL), an exam simulator, and a DMV-related FAQ.  The Driving-Tests collection includes access to a DMV office finder, beginner driver's guide, vir

Central Library Replacement

The Burbank Central Library was built in 1963. While a beloved building home to many positive memories for people who grew up in the area, it no longer supports the needs of the community.

Invite the Library to an Event

Thank you for Inviting the Burbank Public Library to your event. 

Your submission will be forwarded to appropriate library staff member who will contact you directly.

Value Line - Library Edition

Designed as the total investment research solution, the Research Center includes on-line access to Value Line's leading research publications covering stocks, mutual funds, options and convertible securities as well as our proprietary special situation stocks.


Whether you are searching for materials to help you succeed in school, or just something to read on the weekends, we've got you covered.

Find a Book for Kids


  • NoveList Plus is the premiere database of reading recommendations that can be searched by genre, age, read-alikes and a multitude of categories, from Heartwarming and Li