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Study Room Guidelines

Study Rooms at Burbank Central Library and Buena Vista Branch Library

Reservations are same-day only and can be made in-person at the Information Services Desk at each branch or by calling:
Burbank Central Library: (818) 238-5580
Buena Vista Branch:  (818) 238-5625

Job Connect Plus

Are you ready to reach your career-related goals?

Introducing Job Connect Plus, a participant-driven program where participants set goals for workforce-related achievements related to training, employment and/or promotion.

Alexander Street

Alexander Street provides access to a diverse collection of music, dance, and theater content, covering hundreds of genres and a wide range of content types, from instruction to performance.

See the Latest Library News

Keep up-to-date with the latest news from Burbank Public Library. Stay connected through email or social media.

Schedule a Class Visit

Our staff are happy to connect with you and your students for library visits, story times, and more!

Important things to know:

Writers Guild Foundation Script Collection

The Writers Guild Foundation (WGF) offers this guide on where to find film and television scripts online. Sites linked from the WGF have not been reviewed and are not endorsed by the City of Burbank.